Ellen G. White Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations, Volume 1


Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations, Volume 1
by Ellen G. White
Hardcover, 986 pages

  • Weight: 12.00 Ounces
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Now you can read between the lines. Introducing a new series that will give you access to all of Ellen White’s letters, diaries, and manuscripts together with explanatory notes. The notes provide an exciting, new level of illumination to the text. They give the date of composition, identity of the addressee, and the background to events or issues alluded to in the text. You’ll also find clarification of old expressions such as “plank road,” “carriole,” and “snug dealing.” Allusions to hymns, poems, and other literary pieces have been identified.

In the past, readers were often left wondering about the outcome of an event, instruction, or prediction found in a letter. Did the sick person revive? Was Ellen White’s instruction heeded or rejected? Were predictions or promises fulfilled? Now the annotations fill you in on the rest of the story.

This first volume in the series collects every known page of Ellen White’s writing for a 15-year period and puts them in chronological order. It includes transcriptions of what she said in vision. Her letters outline the struggle to keep both church leaders and laymen navigating the course that the Lord was laying out for the small company of believers. Her diary entries in particular give you an intimate view of her life in the early days of the movement and the small joys and concerns that came her way.